Ce este EMO? Ce inseamna EMO?
EMO este un gen de muzica ce isi are originea in hardcore punk iar mai tarziu a adoptat influente din pop punk.
In anii ’80 termenul EMO descria un subgen al muzicii hardcore punk. In anii urmatori termenul emocore (prescurtarea de la “emotional hardcore”) a fost folosit pentru a descrie performantele emotionale ale trupelor din Statele Unite ale Americii (cu precadere Washington D.C.).
Pentru a vedea mai multe imagini emo click aici: Poze EMO
Muzica emo Cele mai mari nume ale perioadei emo sunt Fire Party, Rites of Spring, One Last Wish, Embrace, Beefeater, Gray Matter, si Moss Icon.
Trupe EMO representative:
Inainte de a alcatui o astfel de lista vrem sa mentionam cu tarie ca NU ITI RECOMANDAM trupe precum My Chemical Romance sau Fall Out Boy.
•Matchbook Romance
•Moss Icon
•City of Caterpillar
•Rites of Spring
•Poison the Well
•The Rocket Summer
•Tomorrow's Last Hero
•Senses Fail
Moda emo, frizuri emo sau freze emo:
In zilele noastre EMO este mai mult legat de moda decat de muzica, iar termenul “emo” este deseori asociat cu blugi stramti purtati de barbati sau femei, par lung vopsit pe o singura parte a fetii, care acopera un ochi sau pe amandoi, par drept, tricouri stramte, ghete sau altfel de incaltaminte neagra, cu aura de invechit. Aceasta moda a fost caracterizata in anumite momente ca fiind in trend.
In ultimii ani mass-media a asociat EMO cu un stereotip care include a fi emotional, sensibil, timid, introvertit. Este asociat deasemenea cu depresia, ranirea propriei persoane, sinuciderea.
In Rusia a fost data o lege pentru a reglementa site-urile web emo si pentru a interzice stilul emo in scoli si institutii guvernamentale de teama ca EMO poate reprezenta “un trend periculos pentru tineri” care promoveaza comportament antisocial, depresie si chiar suicid.
My eyes burn from these tears
You'd think I'd learn over these years
Good things won't last forever
So what the hell am I supposed to do
You only wanted the things I couldn't give to you
And you had it all anyway
So take take everything and leave me scrambling
Reaching for something that wasn't there in the first place
So take take everything and leave me scrambling
Reaching for something that wasn't there in the first place
Tell me I'm wrong when I say
I can't expect you to spend forever with me
I live for that single moment
I take back everything I've said
You wore those words on your lips
As if they meant anything anyway
Sometimes I feel I could drop off the face of the earth
It seems I do more harm than good
And I don't know if it's worth me losing sleep over this
So take take everything and leave me scrambling
Reaching for something that wasn't there in the first place
So take take everything and leave me scrambling
Reaching for something that wasn't there in the first place
Tell me I'm wrong when I say it
I can't expect you to spend forever with me
I live for that single moment
So take take everything and leave me scrambling
Reaching for something that wasn't there in the first place
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